What's happening in Room 110!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I'm not a turkey?!?!

Here are the turkey disguises they kiddos have brought from home!  You all did a fantastic job with these!  Thanks for all your help on this project.

Thanksgiving Activities

We have been learning about the first Thanksgiving.  They did a little research using a great website called Pebble Go and wrote about what they learned.  They have learned a little about the pilgrims trip on the Mayflower as well as a little about the Native Americans who lived in Massachusetts when the pilgrims arrived in 1621.  We have learned about corn and how important it was to both people.  We also learning how they showed thanks for their many blessings and we are learning to do the same!

Here are some photos of what's been going on this week:

Thanksgiving Research

Indian Corn painting

Our Friendship Quilt

Corn was an important source of food introduced to the pilgrims by the Native Americans

Monday, November 3, 2014

Veteran's Day Parade

We have our annual Veteran's Day parade this Friday at 9am.  If you have a family member in the military that lives close by, please let us know.  We would love for them to walk with your child in the parade.  :). 

Facebook page

Please go and check out our class Facebook page if you enjoy the blog.  I post regularly there and put announcements for upcoming events on there as well.  

Just go and search for Flying High in First Grade and it should pop up along with an red apple icon:).  Just request to follow and you will be up and running:). 

This is what it looks like when you get there.